Home " Application " Geothermal
Marani company offers Marani units Generationwhich are capable of generating electricity in the power range from 10 kWe to 500 kWe and heat-driven jet cooling systems reaching up to 200 kW of cooling capacity.
Gyms Marani ORC can work with hydrothermal geothermal sources. Hot water or steam, or a mixture of water and steam, is the carrier of thermal energy in this process and can be used as a heat source for ORC plant. Marani proposes a comprehensive solution for heat recovery from hydrothermal geothermal sources using low- and medium-temperature ORC plants operating with an intermediate loop or with direct evaporation of the working medium. The solution is dedicated to geothermal heating plants and municipalities with geothermal sources on their territory with temperature levels from 90 ∞C.
The heat stream received is converted into electricity, either fed back into the grid or consumed for own use.
Heat from geothermal sources can also be used to drive MARANI jet cooling systems. In the case of a medium-temperature heat source, it is possible to achieve a higher COP of cooling systems than in the case of low-temperature sources. The cooling capacity can be used for standard cooling with chilled medium parameters of 6oC/12oC or high-temperature cooling such as 16oC/19oC. This temperature can be customised, which can also have a positive impact on the chiller's performance.
Application of MARANI ORC technology or MARANI CHILLER in water heat recovery from geothermal sources increases the energy efficiency of the generating units managed by local authorities and enables additional profits to be made from electricity production or cooling capacity.
- electricity generation from renewable heat
- providing cooling capacity, reducing the electricity consumption of standard cooling systems
- reduction in CO2 emissions
- increasing energy efficiency indicators
- no interference with the technological process
- high electricity generation efficiency of up to 15% for medium temperature installations
- containerised installation possible