Technology Marani ORC and Marani refrigeration systems is dedicated to waste or process heat recovery. We offer Marani units Generationwhich are capable of generating electricity in the power range up to 500 kWe and Marani Chiller, achieving cooling capacities of up to 200 kW.

In the case of waste heat recovery, the carrier can be process exhaust, process steam, hot process water, hot wastewater or other media that are waste from the process or are part of the process itself but need to be reduced in temperature. We offer complete solutions for the metallurgical, cement, chemical, glass, paper and food industries using low-, medium- or high-temperature modules, depending on the temperature level of the available heat source. A configuration with direct evaporation of the working medium is also possible.

In the case of systems MARANI ORC The heat stream received is converted into electricity, which is fed into the grid or consumed for own use. An additional advantage is the possibility of cogeneration operation and the additional production of useful heat.

Use of technology MARANI ORC in waste heat recovery improves the energy efficiency of the plant and makes it possible to draw additional profits from the production of its own electricity.

In terms of application refrigeration systems The collected heat flux is used to drive a supersonic jet compressing the refrigerant from evaporator pressure to condenser pressure, forming a refrigeration circuit. The cooling capacity can be used for standard cooling with a cooled medium of 6oC/12oC or high-temperature cooling, e.g. 16oC/19oC. This temperature can be customised, which can also have a positive impact on the performance of the chiller.

The use of the above technology also increases the efficiency of the plant by utilising waste heat, as well as providing additional savings, e.g. by replacing traditional energy-intensive air-conditioning systems or providing improved plant performance, e.g. by cooling process media.

ORC advantages:

Advantages of jet cooling systems:

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