Experimental assessment of the first industrial implementation of ejector refrigeration system operating with R1233zd(E) driven by ultra-low temperature heat source

AUTORZY: Jerzy Gagan, Kamil Śmierciew, Michał Łukaszuk, Dariusz Butrymowicz, Andrzej Pawluczuk, Mikołaj Mastrowski, Marek Bergander, Artur Cebula

Among the available technologies of heat driven refrigeration systems, ejector systems allow for utilisation of heat at the lowest potential for generation of refrigeration capacity, i.e. temperature of heat source lower than 80 °C. The paper provides with the results of experimental investigations of the ejector refrigeration system applied in industrial company for recovering waste heat from reciprocating compressors units. For the first time the ejector system has been tested for operation with extremely low GWP and non-flammable R1233zd(E) refrigerant receiving heat at a temperature lower than 70 °C. The performance of the tested refrigeration system in term of mass entrainment ratio, COP, and refrigeration capacity for three levels of motive temperature are presented. The available thermal capacity of the waste heat source for tested system has been 200 kW. The system has achieved the entrainment ratio of up to 0.24 which allowed for obtaining up to 45 kW of refrigeration capacity. The overall efficiency coefficients in the range of 0.63–0.78 have been determined. It has been shown that the overall efficiency of the tested system is lower than that achieved with use of R1234zd(E) refrigerant and isobutane (R600a) under similar range of operation conditions.

The entire article can be read here.

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